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Home Decor and Improvement Ideas to Boost Your Mood

With fires on the West Coast, murder hornets, protests, and, of course, COVID-19, 2020 has been the most stressful and unpredictable year in a long time. It’s no wonder that more than 80% of Americans are so stressed out these days. Quarantine hasn’t helped the situation at all, either. Many jobs have required employees to work from home, grade schools and colleges are distancing learning, and everyone is spending more and more time at home.

Even though you can’t control what’s happening in the world, you can control your environment. Your home doesn’t have to feel like a prison. In fact, it can become a safe haven for you and your family. Here are a few ideas that you can use to improve your home surroundings, and ultimately boost your mood.

Declutter and organize your space.

It’s pretty much a known fact that a disorganized and cluttered home can cause anxiety and unnecessary stress. When everything is in its place, it makes hunting down your car keys or a pen a lot easier. Decluttering will decrease your stress levels, and leave you with time to do things that are more enjoyable! When your rooms feel fresh and clean, you’ll feel lighter and happier.

Add some greenery to your rooms.

It seems like the pandemic has really brought out the houseplant lovers, and there’s a reason for that. Scienctific studies have proven that bringing a little nature into your space can decrease anxiety, stress, and improve your overall mood. Plus they really do improve the air quality in your home! There are plants out there for everyone — even people who don’t have a green thumb. The pygmy date palm is perfect for a beginner. The plant has beautiful, full fronds and gives any space a tropical vibe. It thrives with medium to bright indirect light, so it doesn’t need full sun to be happy. The date palm is pet friendly, too. You don’t need a full-on garden, but a few plants here and there will surely boost your mood.

Repair broken things around the house.

No one can work properly with broken things, especially appliances. The looming dread of going to do the dishes, but only to remember that the dishwasher is broken, or perhaps the stove isn’t working as great as it used to. Maybe your freezer is on its last leg, or the dryer is on the fritz. No matter what is going on, your major appliances play an important role in your daily life. If one of them is broken, it can cause a lot of stress and dampen your mood.

So don’t put it off, and call for appliance repair services. They offer great service and can work on a variety of brands from Maytag to Whirlpool appliances. The first service call is free, and all the technicians have over 10 years of hands-on appliance repair experience. Get your household appliances in top working condition, and your mood will definitely improve.

Try aromatherapy.

It may seem silly, but essential oils and good-smelling things have been shown to boost one’s mood. Familiar scents can trigger happy memories, and essential oil blends can decrease your stress. Light one of your favorite candles, or try a calming scent like lavender or chamomile to calm your mind.

Let the light shine.

The urge to keep your space dark and dreary may be strong, but throw open some windows and let natural light in. You can try different colored light bulbs like yellow or white to change the mood and vibe of a room. Cool lighting is ideal for a home office, as it can improve your concentration, and warm lighting is perfect for a relaxing effect in a bedroom or living room. Natural lighting is the best for boosting your mood, so throw open those curtains and bask in the sunlight!

These days home isn’t just where the heart is — it’s where everything is! The pandemic has forced countless Americans to spend their time inside, and it doesn’t have to be all bad. A few simple improvements to your home will turn it from a prison to a paradise.

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