How Long Should My Home Systems Last?


For first time homeowners, you probably have a lot of questions. Unfortunately, there really isn’t any class on how to keep your house up to date and secure. A lot of it is learning on the job. So congratulations! You’re now responsible for your own property and all the systems and appliances that come with it. Time to get started.

If you’ve spent your adult life in apartments or other living quarters with a landlord, you probably haven’t needed to repair or replace your own water heater, air conditioning unit, plumbing problems, or septic tanks. You may not be as familiar with how often you’ll need a new heater or when is the right time to retire your old washing machine. Not to worry, everything has it’s own time table of how long your appliances and fixtures should last. And with warranties on most items, you can really get the most bang for your buck. Here are some general guidelines of how long each of your home systems should last.

HVAC Systems

Your heating and air conditioning are important units that keep the temperature regulated inside despite changing conditions throughout the seasons. Depending on the type of HVAC system you have, how many replacement services you’ve needed, and the climate where you live, your heater and AC will last anywhere from 15 to 25 years. While air conditioners typically wear down quicker, heaters do wear out over time as well. Check-in with a high-quality electrician or technician that can help replace your heating system when the time comes.

Home Appliances

You have a number of appliances in your home, usually in the kitchen and the laundry room. From dishwashers to ovens to microwaves to washers and dryers, there are a lot of pieces of machinery you need in order to run a successful house. You want reliability in these appliances and for them to operate efficiently without much noise or buildup. Typically these systems will last about a decade with the potential to be good for up to 15 years. But with the ever-changing design and style, you may be replacing your fridge and dishwasher before that deadline.


When you’re building or buying a house, you need to pay special attention to the roof. This element literally shields your family from the elements and is the best way to protect your home overall. The material you use for your roof will greatly impact its lifespan. Concrete roofs last around 50 years while shingles will wear down after about 20.

Kitchen Fixtures

Beyond the big appliances in the kitchen, you have smaller fixtures to stay on top of. Your faucet, for example, will last around 15 years. Investing in granite or marble countertops last much longer than other materials. Hopefully, these are fixtures you don’t have to worry about replacing often.


A water leak or issues with the plumbing can really affect you and your family members’ daily life. On the bright side, you shouldn’t have to replace any pipes while you’re living in your home. Again, depending on the material, your plumbing systems should be good to go for anywhere from 20-100 years. Of course, you may need to call a plumber every once in a while to fix a leak or check your hard water, but otherwise, this area shouldn’t be a cause for concern.


Of course, there are plenty of home systems you need to keep the house running, but then there are the pieces of technology that make your house a home. Television sets, Google homes, or other electronics also have a lifespan of their own. But this usually has to do with technology advancing and leaving old models in the dust. So as you’re wondering whether or not to get them an iPad, make sure you’re getting the latest model.