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What’s Involved in a Furnace Installation?

Have you found that you’re having trouble keeping your home warm during the winter? It could be time to install a new HVAC system that will keep your household nice and toasty. After all, winter in Martinsburg and across the Eastern peninsula can be pretty brutal. Choosing the right equipment for your furnace installation is important to make sure that you stay comfortable, but a free estimate on installation could get you on the right track to finding the right unit for your home’s needs.

Be sure to choose a furnace at the right capacity.

When it comes to furnace installation in Martinsburg, WV, you want to make sure that the unit you invest in for your home is up to the challenge. One of the most important parts of furnace installation is choosing a heating system that has the right capacity for your home. Your heating load, particularly during the winter months, will help to determine the best HVAC equipment for your installation. Heating load is the amount of energy required to keep your home at the temperature you’ve set on your thermostat. This is usually impacted by the size of your home, your insulation, and several other factors.

If you select a furnace that doesn’t have enough heating capacity, you will keep on running into issues straight through the winter. Additionally, choosing a heating system with a low capacity will require that it run constantly, putting more pressure on the system and impacting the life span of the unit. This will end up sending your energy costs even higher than you are accustomed to during the winter months. Technicians with years of experience will help you determine the furnace that is best for your home’s needs.

Consider pricing.

One of the most important parts of furnace installation for a homeowner is finding equipment that is affordable to install. While you may be attracted by certain electric or gas furnaces that are less energy-efficient, you’ll end up paying more in the long run on your utility bills. You’ll also miss out on eligible energy-saving tax rebates that can reduce the cost of the furnace and the installation of a new heating system. Be sure to ask your technician about Energy Star labels on certain HVAC systems, approved by the U.S. Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency.

If you have a home warranty, this can help cover furnace repair and replacement. With coverage for your heating system, homeowners aren’t forced to bear the full burden if your furnace breaks as a result of wear and tear. This assures that an HVAC system or furnace is able to hold its traditional lifespan of 15 to 20 years. For the cost of a monthly premium, you can spare yourself the full bill to deal with recurring HVAC issues or to bring in a service technician to set up a new unit.

Take advantage of the most efficient heating system.

A new furnace or whole HVAC system with air conditioning is a wise investment for a homeowner, but it’s not worth it if you don’t understand energy efficiency. The best way to compare the efficiency of these units is to look into two ratings: HSFP and AFUE.

Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency and Heating Seasonal Performance factor numbers are pointed out by technicians to let you know the capabilities of your system. The greater those numbers are, the more energy-efficient a furnace is. These ratings are designed to allow you to compare the cost and efficiency of different heating systems in a way that helps the average homeowner understand their relative efficiencies. After all, staying warm and keeping spending down can make for a comfortable winter. Whether it’s Martinsburg or elsewhere in West Virginia or the country, you deserve that peace of mind.

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